Sunday, March 18, 2012

Save Trees

Tail Talk
There were trees on our planet much before the animals or we appeared. They formed huge forests which covered the land and filled the atmosphere with life-giving oxygen. And yet, we human beings are thoughtlessly cutting down trees.

Each person in India is responsible for the cutting of 7 trees per year from the year he is born. The poor do it for building houses and carts, and for burning as fuel. The rich for houses, furniture, paper etc. If you multiply your age by 7 and simply plant that many number of trees, you will have replaced what you have used. The best way to do this is to take the seed of every fruit you eat and put it in a pot. When it becomes a sapling, plant it in the ground and look after it. Fruit trees, pipal and neem trees save the lives of thousands of creatures which depend on them for food, shelter and fresh air.
Trees act as dust collectors. Average dust collection ranges from 1.44 to 5.35 grams per sq. metre of leaf surface.
Trees give us Oxygen to breathe. A pipal with a crown spread (the area covered by the top of the tree) of 162 sq. metres releases 1712 kg of oxygen and absorbs 2,252 kg of carbon dioxide per hour. A 500-metre wide green area can reduce sulphur dioxide by 70% and nitrous oxide by 67%
Trees also....
  • Provide us shade
  • Cool the air as moisture evaporates from their leaves
  • Reduce noise pollution
  • Prevent erosion
  • Protect the water table
  • Keep the environment clean
  • Provide shelter to birds and animals
  • Offer a range of medicines for treatment of diseases
  • Finally, make the world a beautiful place to live in
Monsoons are the right time to plant trees. Go ahead and plant as many as you can.

"Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago."- Warren Buffett

"The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago. The second best time is now." - Chinese Proverb

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