Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Chocolate World

Once there were two children named Jimmy and Julie. They were very angry because they love chocolates but their mother did not allow them to eat chocolates but allowed them to watch cartoon programmes. So they watch the favorite show Choc-the wish dragon. In that they will be a princess and choc the wish dragon. The princes says any wish she wants then the dragon makes it true. She told some mantras: choco-choc-choco-choc. So the children also told the mantras (but they didn't think it is true but tried) and then really they got a surprise that the dragon came inside their house through the window and asked "What is your wish?" Then, the children told, that: "Can you take us to the Chocolate World???". The dragon told: "Sure children but listen to me carefully, you have to keep the mirror under your bed which i am going to give now. Then step inside it, you may see me, in that time i may tell you something about chocolate world.. There you enjoy your trip to the chocolate world children!!!!!!". Then they did as the dragon told them. In the night they went inside the mirror and saw the dragon. The dragon went together with them and then he became so sad in the middle. Then Jimmy asked "Why are you so sad??" Then the dragon told that: Its going to chocain (rain) and its already chondering (thundering). So we better wear our chocaincoats (raincoats). Then Julie asked: " Can we drink the chocain?" Then the dragon replied " Yes of course the chocolate is made up of this pure chocain". The Jimmy and Julie was so happy. They drank the chocain.Then ice cream and cookies for dinner along with hot chocolate. Then they slept in choc's house and then next day morning they went home just when mom came to wake them up. She saw they were already ready and gave each of them one chocolate. Then the children never told their mom about the chocolate world.

You too would keep it a secret. wouldn't you?

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