Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Interesting Information About The Sun

if there is no sun, there is no earth, no stars and no universe.

The sun is the name given to the solar system. The ancient civilization, such as the roman worshiped the sun because they saw something it as brought life. It was given various names like Sol by the Romans, Helios by Greek. The sun itself approximately 99.86% of the solar system's mass, which is 333,000 times of the mass of the earth. About 3/4 th of the sun's mass is the hydrogen. About the 28% of the star's mass is the helium. The rest of the star is composed of various substances including oxygen, iron, carbon. If the sun were hollow, you can fit 1 millions of the earth inside of it - you could fit only 1300 of the earths in Jupiter. The temperature there is 15,600,000.C and the

 density of core is more than 150 times the density of water. Although, our sun looks yellow, but its actually white. The surface of the temperature of the sun is the fraction of that around 5,538. C. The Sun will not last forever. Like any other star, it has a limited lifespan. The diameter of the sun is 1391000 kilometers. Scientists estimate that the Sun is already approximately four and a half billion years old or nearly halfway through its lifespan. In another five billion years or so, they think that it will have used of the rest of hydrogen, which is its primary fuel source. When it turns to burning through helium, the Sun will engulf all of the planets and burn as a red giant until it eventually caves in on itself and becomes a white dwarf star about the size of our own planet.

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