Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Truth is your nature, your very being, 
your very existence, your very center. 
It is through awareness that slowly slowly you reach your own center. 
When you have arrived at your own center, 
then you know what truth is....!

And it is not just knowledge of something objective, something there ,
but something subjective, something in here .
And once known, it is known forever,
once discovered, it cannot be forgotten.
And to know truth is to be liberated,
truth liberates, but remember: only your own truth liberates.
Nobody else's truth can liberate you,
Somebody else's truth will always become a bondage to you...!

So the real master helps you to discover your own truth.
He does not hand over to you a theory, a dogma, a creed.
He does not hand to you anything at all.
He never gives you anything...!

The master does not give you the truth,
but he does take away 'all the lies' from you.
And once all the lies are taken away,
truth is found within yourself.
It was lying there,
covered underneath the rubbish of thousands of lies...!

Sannyas means,
putting your head at the feet of the master and praying to him:
"Please cut it off!"
It is a strange prayer, but that's exactly what it is!

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